Here are some pictures I took after the end of Tray 2.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Tray 3
It's been a little while since I last updated you guys, so I decided to write a small post. I'm on Tray 3 at the moment and I have to say it has been the most painful tray yet, with that said I'd also like to say the discomfort and pain was only present for the first two days after I had switched over. Eating became uncomfortable and I had to eat with my back molars because my front teeth had become very sensitive. I gave up on anything that was difficult to chew for those two days. I remember I was at the end of day two after switching to tray 3 and needed to remove my trays for dinner, the pressure of the trays on my teeth made removal painful. My teeth felt loose, I even wiggled each tooth to see if they would move, like when you're a kid and have a loose tooth, but they didn't. I had a bread bowl with broccoli soup from Panera that night. Once dinner was done, I gave my teeth about 10 minutes to rest. I've been really good about keeping the trays in for the 22hours a day and I had 10 minutes to spare that day. After the little break I brushed my teeth and flossed. I inserted tray 3 prepared for the pain that would follow but the tray felt just fine. I even double checked my tray to make sure it was #3 because it fit easily with no pain. The change was unbelievable. I guess my teeth just needed a few minutes to get themselves "together" ha ha! The trays feel just fine now. I have an appointment with my Ortho on Saturday, May 25th. She will check my progress and give me 3 new trays. I guess that's all for now.